Join Coach Karina for a fitness workout in the early morning.
All levels of fitness are welcome.
Join Coach Karina for a fitness workout in the early morning.
All levels of fitness are welcome.
Town Hall on Health Care-Discussion on the New York Health Act
Wouldn't it be nice to extend the life of items you use and rely on everyday? Let's reduce waste, share skills, and make friends at Crestwood Library's very first Repair Cafe.
Driving Safety Course
Call John Symonds for registration (914) 305-0712
Storytime for young ones ages 2 and up with their accompanying grown up.
No person shall leave young children (ages eight and under) unattended anywhere on library premises. Parents or guardians are expected to look after their children while visiting the library with them.
Parents/Guardians must stay - this is not a drop-off program.
In-person at the Will Library for ages 0-5. Songs, Nursery Rhymes, finger plays, and stories. No registration.
Build something special with legos and put it on display! This program is for children up to age 12.
Tyrone Glover, CEO of Leverage Credit Recovery, will be presenting every Saturday. Topics will include accessing credit reports, understanding the information, learning how to improve scores and more.
Build something with the Library's legos and put it on display! No registration.
Create beautiful terrariums to celebrate Earth Day. Learn the basics of this mini ecosystem. Please register below.
This event is made possible through generous support from Con Edison.
Fund Raiser
Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting