Gale Academic Onefile

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Fine Arts Music Collection offers more than 150 full-text magazines and journals covering areas such as drama, music, art history, and film-making.
Health Reference Center Academic is a multi-source database providing access to full-text of nursing and allied health journals, plus a wide variety of personal health information sources that offer reliable health information to researchers, incl
Nursing and Allied Health Collection includes more than 1000 titles, this collection’s current and authoritative content will be of use to both nursing professionals already working in the field as well as students pursuing a nursing-focused curri
Gale OneFile: Science has information on the latest developments across a range of scientific disciplines. Updated daily.
Gale OneFile: U.S. History offers balanced coverage of events in U.S. history. Best for novice historians and academic researchers. Updated daily.
Gale OneFile: World History contains balanced coverage of events in world history and scholarly work being established in the field.