International Children's Book Day 2024

April 2 is International Children’s Book Day, a celebration of reading and children’s literature.

April 2 was chosen as the day of celebration because it is the birthday of Danish author Hans Christian Andersen, author of fairy tales like “The Ugly Duckling”, “The Princess and the Pea”, and “The Little Mermaid”.

Reading is fundamental to our growth and learning. At Yonkers Public Library, we are committed to fostering a lifelong love of reading for all children. Our 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program encourages parents to read 1000 books with their young children before they enter kindergarten. You can sign up for the program online through Beanstack, or register in person in the children’s room of your local YPL branch.

You can kickstart your reading progress by checking out some of these recommended reads for young people, or you can check out books online through Tumblebooks!

Tumblebooks (and Biblioteca Tumblebooks) is an online resource entirely free with your library card. Access a huge collection of animated, talking picture books which children can read or have read to them. You can also access reading comprehension quizzes, educational games, and teacher resources.

Not sure how to get started? Check out this tutorial video below to learn how to get the most out of Tumblebooks.

We also hope that you’ll join us for some of our in-person story time programs at all three YPL branches! We hope to see you soon. Happy reading!

Alison Robles is a Part-Time Junior Clerk at the Crestwood Library. She is an avid reader with a passion for YA lit, historical fiction and fantasy. A Yonkers native, she is currently pursuing an MS in Information and Library Science from the University at Buffalo.